Project #3: Due => Dec. 5, BEFORE Class Begins Dec. 9, 6PM (Fri)

In project #3, each team needs to create a web-based interface to their SQL Server database. As we discussed in the beginning of the course, a huge number of Web sites are based largely on a relational database system. The HTML pages that users browse are often dynamically generated from databases, and user actions and inputs result in behind-the-scenes SQL queries and updates. Although the database-backed site you will create is not likely to be as snazzy as a typical Web shopping or auction site, the basic idea is the same.

Part 1: SQL and Web Interface Implementation

Part 2: Presentation Slides

Each team needs to prepare a power-point slide presentation for about 15 minutes (10-20 pages). The presentation should include
  1. At cover page, write down URL address to your web interface (we need this URL so that we can visit the web site to grade. Please make sure to have this information)
  2. Brief description about projects #1-3 (e.g., ER, schema, relational tables, SQL, interface, etc).
  3. Demonstration. If your database and web-based interface are not functioning correctly during the demonstration, you team may lose points.
All members need to participate in the presentation.

Part 3: FINAL Report

Your report should consist of the following:
  1. Cover page: List (1) project title, (2) section number, (3) project team name (i.e., A-H), and (4) member names
  2. Part 1: FINAL highlevel description of your project
  3. Part 2: FINAL E/R diagram
  4. Part 3: FINAL assumptions that you made
  5. Part 4: FINAL 10 queries and their SQL representations. For instance, if your query #1 was "Retrieve name and address of employee whose salary is great than 50K", then its SQL representation would be something like:
        SELECT name, address
        FROM   employee
        WHERE  salary > 50000
  6. Part 5: For each 10 query, run it in SQL Server (either in Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer) and show answers captured as a screen-shot to prove that your queries were executed well.
  7. Part 6: FINAL Relational schema of all tables -- for each table, mention attribute name and type, then primary and foreign keys. Also, mention what referential integrity policy is used on what pair of attributes (delete-cascade or delete-restrict). If you optimized any tables, describe about those, and show the resultant tables.
  8. Part 7: Description about your web interface (show a few screen-shots). Explain if there are interesting features that you would like to show off.
  9. Part 8: Short description of WHO did WHAT role in your team (all members must participate in the project)

Part 4: Turn-In

  1. Drop both report and presentation slide at ANGEL.
  2. Also, bring one hard-copy of both report and presentation to class.
  3. Like before, the leader of each team drops the copy at ANGEL, and the rest of members drops a "blank" one at ANGEL.

Dongwon Lee
Last modified: Mon Nov 15 00:33:35 EST 2004