
                    IST 210 Course Syllabus

Semester    : Fall 2010
Time        : T R 04:15P - 05:30P 
Location    : 202 IST

   [[ Course Web Page  ]]


NOTE: Course ID and password: to be announced in the first class. This
is different from your PSU ID and password.

   [[ Overview ]]

This is an introductory course to teach the fundamentals and basic
principles of databases and their related technologies. Throughout
this course, students will explore those areas, which are fundamental
to the design, development, and implementation of enterprise wide
information systems. In this course, in particular, we will cover the
following major topics:

- Introduction to Databases and Database Technologies
- Conceptualization of Database Designs
- Database Design Refinement
- Database Design Implementation
- Database Management and Administration
- The Future of Databases

   [[ Textbook ]]

Fundamentals of Database Management Systems by Mark L. Gillenson
(ISBN:0471262978) is the REQUIRED textbook. PSU Bookstore should
have new copies ready, but feel free to buy a USED copy from the 
Internet for saving.

From the textbook, we will mainly focus on chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, and 15. In addition, we will study advanced SQL features beyond
what is covered in the textbook.

   [[ DBMS ]]

We use the Microsoft SQL Server in IST's VLabs environment. 
If you are within PSU IP domain, you can read related books from 
O'Reilly's Safari for free. Our choice of the DBMS has nothing to do
with the superiority of the product. Therefore, by all means, if
you are already familiar with other one, you are free to use
other DBMS for your projects (i.e., MySQL, PostgreSQL, mSQL, DB2,
Oracle, etc).

   [[ Staff ]]

Instructor  : Dr. Dongwon Lee, Email:  dongwon -at- psu.edu
TA          : JY Kim, Email: bassjykim -at- gmail.com 
Helpdesk    : IST 201, x38803, 777-0035 (ITS)

   [[ Office Hour ]]

Instructor  : Tue 10:00A - 12:00P (313A IST) or by appointment
TA          : Wed 4:30P - 6:30P (325D IST) or by appointment

   [[ Grading Scale ]]

Grade    Percentage             Points
A        93% to 100%            930 to 1000 
A-       90% to 92.9%           900 to 929
B+       87% to 89.9%           870 to 899
B        83% to 86.9%           830 to 869
B-       80% to 82.9%           800 to 829
C+       77% to 79.9%           770 to 799
C        70% to 76.9%           700 to 769
D        60% to 69.9%           600 to 699
F        Less than 60%          less than 600

   [[ Grading Weights ]]

% of Grade  Points   Freq.     Assignments
12%          120      6        Short Problems (20 points each) 
                               This substitutes attendance check
10%          100      2        Written Homework (50 points each)
25%          250      3        Team Projects (60, 80, 110, points each)
3%           30       1        Project Presentation 
                               (team presentation, individual grading)
20%          200      1        Closed Book Midterm
30%          300      1        Closed Book Final