:: S C H E D U L E :: |
The needed ID/PWD will be given in the first class
[ 8/31 ] Course
introduction |
[ 9/5 ] No class: Labor Day
[ 9/7 ]
Lab: IST
Webspace and MS SQL Server
configuration |
[ 9/12 ] Ch 2. PBL Intro, PBL 2.1
iPod Case)
[ 9/14 ]
Ch 2. Disk
Storage, PBL 2.2 (State
College Airport Case) |
[ 9/19 ] Ch 2. Index
[ 9/21 ]
Ch 3. ER
Basics |
[ 9/26 ] Ch 3. PBL 3.1 (AFV Case)
[ 9/28 ]
Ch 3. ER
Advanced, HW #1 (Ch
2: Questions 17, 20, 22, Exercises 4;
Ch 3: Questions 6, 9, 15, Exercises 1) => DUE: Oct. 10 (Mon), Solution
[ 10/3 ] E/R Jeopardy, Proj #1 => DUE: Oct. 17 (Mon)
[ 10/5 ] Lab: PHP 1 |
[ 10/10 ] Ch 5.
[ 10/12 ]
Ch 5. PBL
5.1 (Salesperson Case) |
[ 10/17 ]
Ch 6. PBL
6.1 (Referential Integrity Case)
10/19 ] Ch 7. Proj #2
=> Due: Nov. 2 (Wed)
10/24 ] MIDTERM (Ch 2, 3, 5, 6): Open
Book => Solution
10/26 ] Project Discussion
[ 10/31 ]
Ch 9.
SQL Basic
11/02 ] Lab: PHP 2,
Proj #3 => Due:
5 (Mon)
[ 11/07 ]
Ch. 9. SQL
Join, HW #2 (Ch
6: Questions 7, 8, Exercise 1, and Minicase 1)
=> DUE: Nov. 18 (Fri), 6pm,
11/09 ] Ch 9.
SQL Grouping,
example solution
11/14 ] Ch 9. SQL Sub-query and Update, subquery & update
example solutions
11/16 ] Lab: info.php
and northwind.php
11/21 ] SQL Jeopardy, HW #3 (Ch 9: Exercise 1 and
Minicase 1)
=> DUE: Dec. 7 (Wed),
11/23 ] No Class: Thanksgiving Holiday
11/28 ] Project Discussion
11/30 ] Semester Review
12/05 ] Project
Presentation 1
12/07 ] Project
Presentation 2
12/13 ] FINAL (All materials
inclusive, except PHP): 10am-Noon, 158 WILLARD