IST 462: Database Modeling and Application (Spring 2008)
Dongwon Lee, Ph.D.
PIKE Research Group @ IST
Links: Syllabus | Proj #1 Team | Proj #2 Team | Proj #3 Team
Note: subject to change: refresh this page for updates.
== January: DB Basics ==
16: Introduction, Proj #1 (DUE: Feb. 13)
18: E/R Model (#1)
21: Martin Luther King Day (NO CLASS)
23: E/R Model (#2)
28: E/R Jeorpady
30: Relational Model
== February: DB Basics ==
4: VLab and SQL Server
6: SQL Basic, Northwind Lab (DUE: Mar. 3)
11: SQL Join
13: SQL Group, Proj #2 (DUE: Mar. 24)
18: SQL Subquery & Update
20: SQL Jeopardy (and Quiz) (Solution)
25: PHP Basic
27: PHP DB Connection
== March: Data on the Web ==
3: PHP FORM + DB Connection (all examples)
5: Proj #2 discussion
10-14: Spring Break
17: XML vs. RDBMS, Northwind Lab Solution
19: XML schema (examples)
24: Proj #2 presentation
26: XPath
31: XSLT (examples), XSLT Lab (DUE: Apr. 28 => 30)
== April: Semantic Web Services ==
2: Web Services, Google AJAX, Proj #3 (DUE: Apr. 28 => 30)
7: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Reading
9: Active Web (RSS), Proj #3 Discussion
14: Proj #3 Discussion (1-page slide)
16: OWL
21: Proj #3 Discussion
23: Proj #3 Discussion
30: Proj #3 presentation